Woman claims girls, 19-24 have nothing to offer in relationships 

Woman claims girls aged 19-24 have nothing to offer in relationships beyond beauty

Woman claims girls, 19-24 have nothing to offer in relationships  …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>>

A Nigerian woman has claimed that girls aged 19 to 24 have little to offer in a relationship beyond their physical appearance.

This assertion was made during an exclusive interview with an influencer.

Woman claims girls aged 19-24 have nothing to offer in relationships beyond beautyWoman claims girls aged 19-24 have nothing to offer in relationships beyond beautyWoman claims girls aged 19-24 have nothing to offer in relationships.

When asked what type of girls men should avoid in their pursuit of a relationship, she stated that those in the 19 to 24 age bracket primarily offer their bodies.

She argued that these young women tend to prioritize their…


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