Port Harcourt refinery functioning properly

GistReel Entertainment

Port Harcourt refinery functioning properly …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>>

Festus Osifo: Port Harcourt refinery functioning properlyFestus Osifo: Port Harcourt refinery functioning properly

Clarifying questions from newsmen on the true position of the refinery, Osifo explained, “When they blend this, it gives us PMS. But what we should be interested in, as material, is that does Port Harcourt refinery produces AGO today. The answer is yes.

“Does Port Harcourt Refinery produce DPK today? The answer is yes. Does Port Harcourt Refinery produce PMS today? The answer is yes.

“So the processes are not much of our concern. The man on the street does not understand what CTU…


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