Man declares lady wanted for failing to visit after ₦5k t-fare

Lady shocked as man declares her wanted for failing to visit after collecting ₦5k t-fare

Man declares lady wanted for failing to visit after ₦5k t-fare …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>>

A Nigerian lady was left in shock after a man declared her “wanted” and posted her photo online, accusing her of collecting ₦5,000 for transport fare without visiting his house.

The incident, which has been trending on TikTok, began when the woman revealed her identity and shared a post from the man.

Lady shocked as man declares her wanted for failing to visit after collecting ₦5k t-fareLady shocked as man declares her wanted for failing to visit after collecting ₦5k t-fare Man declares lady wanted for failing to visit after receiving ₦5k T-Fare.

In the post, the man alleged that she had taken the transport fare but failed to honor their agreement to…


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