Fashion designer flaunts dress made entirely from measuring tape

Fashion designer shakes the internet with dress made entirely from measuring tape

Fashion designer flaunts dress made entirely from measuring tape …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>>

Fashion designer shakes the internet with dress made entirely from measuring tapeFashion designer shakes the internet with dress made entirely from measuring tape Fashion designer shakes the internet with dress made entirely from measuring tape

A fashion designer shakes the internet by creating a dress using just measuring tape and flaunting it on social media.

She shared the creation on her page via a popular social media platform, X (formerly Twitter).

In the post, she uploaded two photos, describing them as “before” and “after.”

Fashion designer shakes the internet with dress made entirely from measuring tapeFashion designer shakes the internet with dress made entirely from measuring tapeFashion designer flaunts dress made entirely from measuring tape.

The “before” photo shows a yellow…


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