Boy abducted in 2012 returns to same church after 10 years

GistReel Entertainment

Boy abducted in 2012 returns to same church after 10 years …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>>

A Nigerian man has shared a shocking story about a boy who was missing for ten years. According to his post on the popular social media platform X (formerly Twitter), the boy, now ten years old, was dropped off at a church years after his mother entrusted him to a church member when he was just two years old.

The incident reportedly occurred in 2012 when the mother handed her son to a church member so she could step outside to buy something.

2-year-old boy abducted in 2012 returns to same church after 10 years2-year-old boy abducted in 2012 returns to same church after 10 years2-year-old boy abducted in 2012 returns after 10…


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