UNIJOS elects first female SUG President in 49 years

UNIJOS elects first female SUG President in 49 years

UNIJOS elects first female SUG President in 49 years …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>>

UNIJOS elects first female SUG President in 49 yearsUNIJOS elects first female SUG President in 49 years

Pwajok Jane Kangyang, a Medicine and Surgery student, has made history at the University of Jos (UniJos) by becoming the institution’s first female Students Union Government (SUG) president.

It was gathered that the med student became the first inaugural female Students Union Government (SUG) President since the university’s 49-year existence.

UNIJOS elects first female SUG President in 49 yearsUNIJOS elects first female SUG President in 49 yearsSUG president.

Her friends and colleagues, as well as students alike have all taken to social media to celebrate with the first female…


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