NEWS:The Health Advantages of Consuming Boiled Yam Leaves

Yams are a widely consumed root tuber, especially in African countries, but many people discard the leaves without realizing the incredible health benefits they offer. In this article, I will explain how yam leaves can be used to treat various ailments, as they are packed with numerous health advantages.

Note: Yam leaves should never be consumed raw as they contain toxins that can irritate the throat if not properly cooked.

How to Prepare Yam Leaf Tea:

Yam leaves are large and broad, so one leaf is typically sufficient. First, wash the leaf thoroughly and place it in a pot. Add enough water to cover the leaf and boil for about 20 minutes. After boiling, allow the water to cool, strain out the leaf, and you’re left with yam leaf tea. For added flavor, you can add honey or lemon. Drink one cup of this tea each morning to reap the benefits.

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